Discoloration of the teeth is often a result of plaque and tartar buildup over time. It is something that no one wants but unfortunately, it does happen. The good news is that this can be taken care of through various means which we would consider shortly. For instance, with dental solutions in Lancaster. Before doing so, let’s consider what tartar is and how it develops.
What is Tartar?
No matter how much you take care of your teeth, there is still the presence of bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria mixes with byproducts of food and proteins and they form plaque which is a thin sticky film on the surface of the teeth.
Plaque carries bacteria and these can cause cavities as well as damage to the tooth enamel. This can also cause gum disease and tooth decay. It gets between the gum and the enamel and when it is left untreated it hardens and forms into tartar. Read more about plaque here.
Tartar can also be called calculus. It forms above and below the gum line when plaque hardens and it is rough as well as porous. It is also bad for the teeth and the gums and looks quite unsightly. Additionally, it may result in the gum receding.
You can prevent tartar but to remove it when it already builds up, you have to visit the dentist who will use specialized tools to do so.
Preventing Tartar Build Up
The best form of prevention for plaque and by extension tartar is good oral hygiene. It is recommended that you brush twice daily with a high-quality toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste. You should also floss at least once a day according to the American Dental Association.
All these will help to remove food pieces and plaque that may be between the teeth as well as the hard to reach areas. Brushing will help in removing early signs of tartar buildup and also rid your dentition of any plaque present on the surface.
To further prevent it, here are some other things to do.
Eating Fruits and Veggies
One of the best things that nature blessed us with is fruits. Eating fruits as well as vegetables brings so many benefits to the body. One of these is what they do for the teeth and for oral health.
Eating apple has been found to whiten the teeth and also helps to remove plaque and prevent tartar. Other foods like celery, carrots and veggies such as spinach, lettuce, cabbage, and kale all have vitamins and antioxidants. They also have nutrients and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium as well as magnesium.
All these fruits and veggies help to preserve the tissues and cells in the body. They also work to protect the teeth and the gum from bacteria by increasing saliva in the mouth. This lessens the acidity in the mouth and provides no place for bacteria to thrive. It also helps to remove food particles that can lead to tooth decay.
As part of fruits, orange peels also provide a great way to rid your dentition of tartar. You can rub the insides of the orange peel on the teeth and gum. Mashed bits of the orange peel inside can as well be made into a paste when mixed with water. This paste can then be used on the teeth using a toothbrush. The peels have antimicrobial properties that pierce through tartar and plaque and prevent the growth of microbes.
Using Electric Toothbrushes
Using normal toothbrushes is great especially when you use a high-quality one but much more than the normal toothbrushes, there are electric ones. It has a rotating head that helps it to easily remove plaque and prevent tartar. The electric toothbrush is able to get in between the teeth as the bristles remove food particles as well as massage the gums.
Using Baking Soda
Baking soda is also one of the remedies available in the home to not only whiten your dentition, but it is also useful for fighting tartar. It is abrasive and useful in neutralizing acidic contents from foods and kill any bacteria that may be present in the mouth.
You can make the baking soda into a paste by adding little water and brushing the teeth with it. When you are done, you can leave for around 15 minutes before you rinse it off.
Using White Vinegar
Another good way of removing plaque and tartar is using white vinegar. To use it, you can mix it with warm saltwater and gaggle it at least once a day.
You can get more tips on prevention here https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324341.
Visiting a Dentist
The above methods are ways to prevent tartar at home. What happens when there is already a buildup? At this point, you will need to visit the dentist and they will perform what is called scaling using tools that are meant for this purpose. Whether or not there is a buildup, it is always a good idea to visit the dentist at least twice in a year.
Tartar is bad for your teeth and the best way to avoid it is to take preventive measures before it builds up says Batavia IL Family Dental. Proper oral hygiene such as brushing twice a day and flossing regularly are the first steps in doing this.
Other natural and home remedies such as listed above will also help prevent the presence of plaque-causing bacteria and consequently help you maintain proper oral health.
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