Teleflora has been connecting customers with the nation’s best florists for more than 81 years. With currently over 13,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada, with an additional 20,000 affiliated florists outside North America their extensive network, coupled with their commitment to exceptional customer service, means that when you send flowers from Teleflora, you […]
Altec Lansing True Evo + Wireless Earbuds #2018HGG
Since 1927 Altec Lansing has been connecting people to sound through their innovative speaker designs. When 450,000 people packed a farmland in Woodstock, N.Y., Altec Lansing delivered the soundtrack and when moviegoers first heard actors’ voices, Altec Lansing made it happen. Anticipating the future, engineers worked with IBM and Apple to create the first computer speakers […]
Crated with Love – Date Night Delivered #2018HGG
Crated with love was born when Tyler and Michelle after 6 years into their relationship things began to slow down as life got busy and date night just disappeared. They dedicated themselves to spending $20 per month and to have at least one date night per month. With a fairly small budget their criteria was […]
Diamond Art Club – Do What Makes You Sparkle #2018HGG
When founder of Diamond Art Club, Angie Shehaj turned to diamond art to help relieve these stresses of a 60 hour work week she quickly noticed that the kits available had a lot of issues. The canvas was stiff and rough and would not lie flat, the diamonds looked dull and even more disappointing they would […]
Community Coffee Gift Tumbler Set #2018HGG
Community Coffee has been around since 1919 when founder Cap Saurage opened a country store to sell coffee and groceries to his neighbors. Soon after Cap discovered a blend that was richer, smoother and more bold than other coffees around and he named it Community Coffee to honor his friends and neighbors because it was […]
Men’s Clipper Oxford Sneaker from Lugz #2018HGG + Giveaway
Since its beginning in 1993 Lugz has been an innovator in the foot wear market. What began as a brand with a couple styles of boots, a quilted vest and a pair of jeans has evolved into a leader in footwear and its trendsetting style has gone beyond boots adding casual and athletic shoes for […]
Go Girl Designs – Fashion with a Purpose #2018HGG
Go Girl Designs all started with piles and piles of hair ties, a problem any Woman and especially Mom of girls can relate to. Debbie, Mother of founder Lindsay has always hated clutter and from brainstorming with Lindsay they wanted to create something wearable that could hold the hair ties and be both practical and […]
Serve The Chocolate Pizza Company at Your Holiday Gathering #2018HGG
The Chocolate Pizza Company has been featured in major magazines like People, Forbes and Chief Executive and nationally on Hallmark Channel, CNBC, CMT, Food Network, NBC, ABC and internationally on Discovery Channel India and Food Network Canada. Their signature and trademarked Chocolate Pizza and Peanut Butter Wings leads a line-up of over 100 treats that are unique, delicious, impressive. Made […]
myCharge RazorMega Portable External Battery #HGG2018
myCharge is a Michigan-based manufacturer of portable charging solutions and has been first to market offering the most advanced solutions for a multitude of needs. They know how important it is to stay connected to the people and things you love, and they work passionately to create products that do just this. myCharge devices integrate […]
Dave’s Sweet Tooth Toffee – Homemade Handmade
I believe when you are making food whether it be candy making, baking, cooking, good ‘ol homemade and handmade is the best way to go. I am a home baker and put nothing but the best ingredients into my confections, real butter, real fruit, homemade frostings and creams and yeah you can get a cake […]