Teleflora has been connecting customers with the nation’s best florists for more than 81 years. With currently over 13,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada, with an additional 20,000 affiliated florists outside North America their extensive network, coupled with their commitment to exceptional customer service, means that when you send flowers from Teleflora, you […]
Christmas Decor Available Now at Cracker Barrel #2018HGG
Cracker Barrel has been around since 1969, the first store opened right here where we live, in Lebanon, TN. One of the biggest reasons that I believe Cracker Barrel has been so successful is their consistency and dedication to keeping things simple just like they were back in 1969. Many of the menu items have been around […]
Kirk’s Soap – Simple Clean for Generations #2018HGG
The vision of Kirk’s Soaps is driven by their desire to create high-quality natural products for both their growing family’s as well as yours. They believe good products don’t need to be complicated so they keep it simple using only clean and safe ingredients that are sourced and derived from nature. Kirk’s is family owned and […]
Diamond Art Club – Do What Makes You Sparkle #2018HGG
When founder of Diamond Art Club, Angie Shehaj turned to diamond art to help relieve these stresses of a 60 hour work week she quickly noticed that the kits available had a lot of issues. The canvas was stiff and rough and would not lie flat, the diamonds looked dull and even more disappointing they would […]
Quiz Master Pop Trivia & Stuff Happens from Goliath Games #2018HGG
Goliath Games has been dedicated to creating toys and games that inspire young minds and adults alike to reach beyond their imagination since 1980. As one of the few remaining family-owned toy companies, Goliath truly understands the importance of quality family time and bringing people together. Since the beginning Goliath has applied its slogan “Clever […]
Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! A Century Of Strange!
For as long as I can remember, Ripley’s Believe It or Not has been known for their shocking books, museums and other attractions. We love taking trips to Gatlinburg in our home state of TN and visiting the Ripley’s Aquarium and Museums. All you have to do is mention the name Ripley’s and people know […]
The Harvest Collection Available Now at Your Local Cracker Barrel and
Cracker Barrel has been around since 1969, the first store opened right here where we live, in Lebanon, TN. One of the biggest reasons that I believe Cracker Barrel has been so successful is their consistency and dedication to keeping things simple just like they were back in 1969. Many of the menu items have been around […]
Floral Simplicity – Everyone’s Favorite Scented Sachet #2018HGG
Fall is here and pumpkin, spice and everything nice is just what you get with this yummy Pumpkin Spice scented sachet from Floral Simplicity. No one can resist the rich smell of buttery pumpkin bread with hints of cinnamon and clove! Stash one with your sweaters, tuck one in your car, include with a fall-themed […]
The Thanksgiving and Fall Collection from Precious Moments
For as long as I can remember my Mom has been a fan of Precious Moments. She has a lighted curio cabinet in the living room devoted to nothing but them. Over the years we would get her one for Christmas, Dad would get one for their Anniversary, I bet there are 50-75 Precious Moments […]
The New Epson Home Cinema 660 3LCD Projector
It’s officially Fall and the Holidays are right around the corner and that means it is time to gather with family and friends, enjoy some great company and watch some great movies. For us that means pulling down our 100″ projector screen and making our own movie theater. The new Epson Home Cinema 660 3LCD […]